Webinar – Connect Centre – To disclose or not to disclose: the conflicting identity of being a police employee and a victim of domestic abuse

Wednesday 8 March 2023, 4.00 to 5.00 pm

Leticia Couto and Nicola O’Leary, University of Hull

Places are limited. Please  reserve yours  on Eventbrite – https://To-disclose-or-not-to-disclose.eventbrite.co.uk

Zoom link will be sent before the event

Perhaps more than any other occupation, police officers and staff witness both the context and aftermath of domestic abuse. To date, domestic abuse within the police workforce in England and Wales has been exclusively analysed through the lens of police officers perpetrating the abuse, leaving a surprising gap in the literature about the police-victim overlap and what happens when police officers are victimised with regard to domestic abuse. This presentation is based on data collected from a survey conducted within an English Police Force The results represent the most comprehensive description of domestic abuse victimisation in a policing population in England and Wales.

This webinar will address questions related to the prevalence and nature of domestic abuse within the surveyed police workforce, including domestic abuse perpetrated by other police members; and discuss the under-researched theme of the police-victim identity – when the line between crime fighter and victim becomes blurred, and a discordant identity emerges.

  • Leticia Couto is a Lecturer in the School of Criminology, Sociology and Policing at the University of Hull. Her current research project, working in partnership with police forces, focuses on analysing police response to domestic abuse in order to better understand what victims want from service, and how their voices can be heard whilst also keeping them safe.
  • Nicola O’Leary is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Criminology, Sociology and Policing at the University of Hull. She researches in the areas of victimology, policing and domestic abuse and her work is focused on improving the response to victim-survivors. Recent projects have explored innovative and ethical methods for researching victims.
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